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Meet Angela

As long as you are afraid to be yourself, you will never fulfill your purpose.

Angela Victoria

Sales Professional, Author, Motivational Speaker, Dreamer, and Eternal Optimist

Life is full of ups and downs, as well as highs and lows; complex situations that we navigate on a regular basis.  There is stress and pressure associated with our careers, our families, and our efforts to achieve our goals.  Everyday we have a choice as to how we approach life; I try to actively choose happiness.  Admittedly, it is not easy some days, and I often fall short. 


I would like to clear up a few misconceptions about the concept of choosing happiness.  Choosing happiness isn’t about floating through life as a “flighty” person that “pretends” to be happy.  Nor does it entail ignoring or not address challenges or obstacles that cause “negative” feelings.  It’s about being proactive instead of waiting to see what happens to you…its about writing the next part of the story.


I have applied my philosophy to create a program called B.A.L.A.N.C.E. to help organizations and individuals find internal alignment, which is essential to choosing happiness and goal achievement.  The pandemic has pushed me in a way that has caused me to lose alignment.  As I challenge myself to regain balance, I am excited to share my journey with you.


My hope is that you will find inspiration, accountability, and support as you navigate through these uncertain times.  May the light shine brighter in all of our lives and may love grow more abundantly in all of us. Choose happiness!

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